Time to "take care of business for songwriters, composers and all authors!" Randy Bachman - SOCAN

Time to “take care of business for songwriters, composers and all authors!” Randy Bachman

Friday, May 22, 2015

Toronto – Legendary Canadian songwriter-performers Randy Bachman and Michel Pagliaro are calling on the Government of Canada to extend the term of copyright for songwriters and composers. Bachman stated:

“I was happy to hear about the greater protection that will be given to recordings, but what’s not clear is why the government left the songs themselves out.

“Songs and music compositions in Canada would still be well below the international standards, which is life of the author plus 70 years.

“Canada will still be playing catch-up if an amendment to the proposed legislation is not made.

“The extension of term for sound recordings is a great first step and I commend the government for it, but the government also needs to take care of business for songwriters, composers and all authors!”

Michel Pagliaro said:

“It all starts with creating the music. Without someone writing the song or composing the music, there would be no recordings. Copyright extension should also be given to those who created the music. Period!”

Through Budget 2015, and the subsequent Budget Implementation Act, the Government of Canada is proposing to increase the term of copyright for sound recordings from 50 to 70 years. On behalf of songwriters and composers across Canada, SOCAN is calling on the Government of Canada to amend the Budget Implementation Act to increase their copyright term to match international standards.

Because behind every great piece of music is a great songwriter or composer.

SOCAN is a member-based and governed organization that represents the Canadian performing rights of more than three-million Canadian and international music creators and publishers. SOCAN is proud to play a leading role in supporting the long-term success of its more than 125,000 Canadian members, and the Canadian music industry overall. SOCAN licenses more than 125,000 businesses in Canada, and distributes royalties to its members and music rights organizations around the world. SOCAN also distributes royalties to its members for the use of their music internationally in collaboration with its peer societies.

Media contacts
Andrew Berthoff, (416) 442-3836, berthoffa@socan.ca
Environics Communications (for SOCAN): Barbara Wright, (613) 670-5813,bwright@environicspr.com